宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — 教育工作者 and industry members in southwestern 宾西法尼亚 are invited to an upcoming conference with the goal of regional collaboration focused on building a foundation to prepare students and individuals with future-ready skillsets. 的 “Education Vanguard: Building the Education of the Future Together” conference will be held Oct. 12-14 at the Regional Learning Alliance in Cranberry Township. 的 effort is led by 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 and is a project of the 西南宾夕法尼亚新经济合作 (SWPANEC)美国21个联邦州之一 重建更美好区域挑战(BBBRC)拨款 获奖者.
“作为一个赠地机构, we recognize that our mission to benefit the region and its businesses and industries hinges on producing highly skilled, 见多识广、脚踏实地的员工,凯文·斯奈德说, 财政大臣 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. 为了实现这一目标, we've spent the past several years forging collaborations with other universities, 12年义务教育机构, 政府与业界.”
的 upcoming event is set to bring together luminaries from various sectors, 公司, 高等教育机构和K-12学区, all converging to shape the trajectory of regional workforce and industrial growth.
"的 journey of exploration has revealed that preparing students to become productive leaders in the era of Industry 4.0 demands a collaborative approach, with educators playing a pivotal role," Snider said. "Our responsibility is to equip students to wield technology as a tool while ensuring it enhances our humanity and sense of self."
的 conference was designed to serve as a gateway to groundbreaking technology and its profound influence on industries and society. By facilitating collaboration among peers across sectors and organizations, 与会者将有机会探索复杂性, tackle obstacles and seize opportunities in an era propelled by technological advancement.
活动日程的预览可以在活动的 信息网站. 主讲人包括Illah Nourbakhsh, 卡维奇-莫拉机器人学教授, executive director of the Center for Shared Prosperity and director of the CREATE Lab at Carnegie Mellon University who will speak about artificial intelligence (AI), humanity and education; Snider, 谁将介绍教育在工业4中的作用.0; Karen Alexander, XRConnectED的主管 who will speak about the role of immersive technology in industry and education; and E. 米歇尔·拉姆齐, associate professor of communication 艺术 and sciences and women's, 性别, and sexuality studies at Penn State Berks who will present on the topic of AI in humanities.
Featured panel discussions will cover topics including the impact of technology on a variety of business sectors; the state of K-12 education and future readiness; and workforce needs in advanced manufacturing. Attendees will also be able to choose from a variety of concurrent sessions encompassing areas such as robotics, 医疗保健技术, 蒸汽教育, 社区参与, 机器学习和虚拟现实. STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, 艺术 and mathematics.
Higher education professionals are also invited to take part in one of two pre-conference workshops on Oct. 12. 的 workshop choices include understanding AI presented by Camille Dempsey, 他是宾夕法尼亚大学的副教授, 或者和亚历山大一起学习沉浸式现实, XRConnectED的主管.
登记 都是免费提供的吗, 由“重建更美好区域挑战”基金资助. 报名截止日期为10月10日. 通过一份简短的, 在线表单. 详情请浏览 会议网站. 有关会议的问题, 联系雪莉·坎贝尔, instructional designer at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 and conference organizer, at (电子邮件保护).
免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 是免费mg不朽情缘试玩的24个校区之一. 距离匹兹堡市仅17英里, 校园坐落在72英亩的树木繁茂的上伯勒尔, 宾西法尼亚, 从阿勒格尼的任何地方都可以轻松到达, 阿姆斯特朗, 巴特勒, 印第安纳和威斯特摩兰县. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 offers 11 baccalaureate and four associate degrees, as well as the first two years of almost all of Penn State’s 275+ majors through the University’s 2+2 plan. 的 campus continues to fulfill the University’s land-grant mission through its ongoing efforts in the city of 新肯辛顿 to drive economic development and revitalization and to prepare the Rust Belt region for the next industrial revolution. 这项工作包括发明免费mg不朽情缘试玩创新中心, 角落里, 以及数字化制造创新实验室, 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂.
About the 西南宾夕法尼亚新经济合作
的 西南宾夕法尼亚新经济合作 is an 11-county coalition formed to apply for the Build Back Better Regional Challenge (BBBRC). 的 collaborative includes 90+ organizations: community-based organizations, 工会, 教育和研究机构, 来自私营部门的经济发展伙伴和领导人, 公营及慈善机构. BBBRC是美国广播公司的招牌节目.S. Economic Development Administration’s American Rescue Plan to boost economic recovery from the pandemic and rebuild American communities.